Why Being too Busy is Stealing Your Happiness

It has been commonly accepted to be super busy. It is almost a standard part of the conversation. I used to think I was partly because I lived in the hustle and bustle of New York City, but I was wrong. 

I have clients all over the world, and we are just SO busy all of the time.

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Are you Living on Auto Pilot

Your life may be safe, you are responsible
You are known as dependable
You are well planned
You have each and every step of the way perfectly calculated

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4 Ways to Know if You Are Experiencing a Lack of Self Love

When you are experiencing a lack of self love, you feel down on yourself possibly even doubting your every move.

Some ways that you can recognize that an increased implementation of self-love is needed is to look for the following 4 suggestions. (read article)

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7 Ways to Ignite Your Inner Sexy

Do you have days or periods of time that you feel off your game? 

I get it. Here is one of my daily tricks! 
I work from home, and sometimes it is so easy to just stay in my PJ's. Where would that get me, other than sitting down with my coffee and watching tv?  

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