Empower Life Coach | Life Coach for Women | Courage Catalyst

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These 5 Things May Be Holding You Back from Achieving Your Dreams

Have you ever went ahead and set a goal for yourself, starting out and feeling so committed. You knew this time was different. Then suddenly you are losing steam and unable to maintain your focus. 

These 5 reasons may give you some insight to what needs to change: 

1. Let go of striving for perfection, You will make mistakes along the way, it does not mean that you failed. A mistake does not mean to give up, it means you are 1 step closer than you were yesterday and keep going!

2. Being too eager for the end result - There are 24 letters between A-Z for a reason. Enjoy the steps along the way, and know that you are learning and growing each day.

3. Taking steps that are too large. When you take small steps in your plan, you can the time to teach yourself that you are safe taking these risks into the unknown at both the conscious and self conscious level which builds up your confidence.

4. Procrastination is a huge goal killer. It's underlying reason is generally fear. Fear of failure, judgment and not being good enough. When you find yourself making an excuse by doing other meaningless things that distract you from your goal, be aware and get yourself back on track.

5. Listening to the dream stealers. We all have at least 1 in our life. Their reason for not believing in your or doubting you many times has nothing to do with you. It is that they cannot see it in themselves. This is a big one! I am going to go into this more tomorrow - but know that it is that they cannot see the vision through your eyes and do not have your gifts. Surround yourself with those who believe in you.

Are you ready for support and achieve these goals, let's talk - just shoot me a note and we can discuss what coaching would look like for you. 
