You Cannot Be Lonely If You Like the Person You are Alone With


Loneliness runs much deeper than the physical aspect of not having another person with you.  Don't confuse it with solitude, which is of choice, is relaxing and often a form of self-care to recharge.

Loneliness ties deeply into self-worth and self-love.
How you view and see yourself will impact how you value yourself.
You could be in a crowded room, and feel like there is not another soul for miles.
This leads to strained relationships, isolation, and a deep yearning to belong.

The desire to belong is one of the strongest desires of the humankind. We want to be a part of something, hence why social media has skyrocketed over the years. It provides a sense of connection, "friends" and a place to share yourself.

The problem is social media is not filling the void of loneliness,
It is noise, similar to the crowded room.
When there is no computer, no phone, no connection - who are you?

Suddenly being alone, sitting in nature, and listening becomes a scary place. A place that used to be beautiful, filled with vibrancy and song.

My suggestions:
1. Take the time alone to readjust and trust the process. 
Spend some simple quality time simply taking in your surroundings, journaling, and reflecting on the beauty and gifts you want to share with the world. You are loved.

2.  Shift what matters
Take time for the little things,
Practice mindfulness.
Take in the joys and beautiful air around you,
Call a friend (no I did not say text).
Have lunch with an old schoolmate.
Make it a priority to connect with people in your life regularly. 
Redefine what connection means to you, and build on that. 
If you would like to explore this or another aspect of your life, the invitation is here is you would like to sign up for a complimentary call. 
With love,