Is Coaching for You

Here are some ways that can help you decide if hiring a coach is right for you.

Overwhelmed, Need clarity 

You have lots of ideas, but get lost in the action steps
You deeply desire clarity, with so many possibilities, you are torn which path to take.
You would like support, and accountability to share in your journey with you. 
This is what we will explore together.

You have a Dream. You are missing the fire.

You have a vision, something deeper inside that you would like to unveil and share with the world
You dream of a business that aligns with your values
You are missing the link to bring it to fruition.
This is what we will ignite, so that the burning is so strong you can no longer contain it within yourself.

You struggle with communication, and find yourself in unnecessary arguments.

Your communication style often leads to either bursts of anger or bottled up and unrevealed emotions
You are repeating patterns in your life, and desperately want to break out of them.
You want to understand why these patterns continue to show up in your life. 
Together we will break these chains, and set you free by retraining your mind and rewriting your story.

You crave love, but end up in dead end relationships.

You crave love and deeper connections, but have built a wall of protection leading to isolation and loneliness.
You want a stronger community of people around you that life you up, not tear you down.
You want to break down these walls, and learn to embrace those you love most. 
We will turn the key to your heart and forgive who/what has hurt you.
We will make love safe again. 

You look like you have it all together on the outside, but you feel empty inside.

You look like you have it all together on the outside, but you feel empty inside.
You are tired of not having enough meaning or purpose in your life.
You have been on the journey of searching for your why.
We will explore your passion and purpose through inquisitive play and awaken your inner power.

You have been paralyzed by fear, and missing out on life.

You don’t want to be held back by fear anymore.
You want to turn your lack of direction into an inspired movement towards purpose, happiness, and success.
You want to let go of the inner voice telling you that you can't, you are not good enough. it is not possible. 
We will train your mind to believe, to build the ultimate testament of self belief.

If you said YES to ANY of these, than this is for YOU.  
I Would Be Honored To Share this Journey
With YOU