How to Deal with The Non-Believers and Nay-Sayers

Negative People

We all have people in our lives that do not see or agree with our dream. 
If we listen to them, it is so easy to fall off course, So it is important to be aware of these red flags below, and adjust accordingly. 
Watch out for these:

1. They had their own failed dream. Remember that was THEIR dream that failed not yours. Their story is exactly that a story. You will do things different. Your dream is your own. The effort that you put in will be different which yields a different result.

2. They cannot see beyond their own rules. They believe life is predictable. You get a dependable job, buy a house, they anticipate a white fence etc - you get the point. They cannot see your dream because they never gave themselves permission to dream. Their rules are working for them, and that is fine - but they are not for you. It is not your destiny.

3. Once you identify who the nay-sayers are, limit what you share with them. There is no need to hear their negative thoughts to simply put a damper on your dream This is a vulnerable time and you need a good solid support system. 
4. When you run into a non-supporter unexpectedly while your guard was down, limit your engagement and shift focus. Thank them for sharing their opinion, and tuck it away to evaluate for validity at another time.

5. Refocus and visualize your dream and sit with it. Embody this dream and feel it all the way down to the pit of your belly. You need to have this vision crystal clear so that you can easily wipe out the negativity and keep you on track. Mindset is such an important part of achieving your goals.

Hope this helps! Tag a friend & share your thoughts below. 