Don't be afraid to fail

dont be afraid to fail

Don't be afraid to fail
Be afraid not to try 

Are you spending your time wondering what would happen, What If.....
Do you catch yourself dreaming and not doing? 
How many years have you held onto the same hope but never pulled the trigger to get started?
Are you spending all of your time in your head and less time actually doing? 

That used to be me. I was a planner and then some. Not only did I plan everything out, along with every possible outcome but then I mixed in my analytical mind and deep intuition

It was a recipe for disaster.

Just try to imagine this. I am planning for my first cruise ever, it was about 10 years ago. Now without getting to off track, that was a miracle in and of itself because I was not the most open person when it came to travel. 

I remember it like it was yesterday. We were heading out to Bermuda for a friends wedding. This should be fun, there is a big group of us, we can relax, listen to music, take in the sun. What is there to worry about? 

Well, I think I almost sent my best friend over the edge that month with all of the questions I had. I thought of every possible scenario, what to wear, what could happen and how to prepare. (did I mention it was hurricane season ....) 

I ended up with 2.5 massive suitcases that felt like I was shipping off a dead body. We were only going away for a week. I needed a dress for the upscale nights, shoes to match each dress, casual clothes for beach, shoes, back up shoes, sneakers, what if it rains? bring warm clothes.... oh and then there was the wedding. What dress would I wear? It is on the beach, what shoes? 

What if it is bad weather? Will I get seasick? I could bring Dramamine, but maybe I just need ginger. 

Trust me, the questions did not end there! 

We are not even close to the list of questions, but I think you see where I am going.

I could have easily sabotaged myself if I stayed in my head. I was so scared to try something new. Sure, I saw everyone else going on cruises but what about me? I did not know if I was cut out for it. 

I had to shift my mind to focus on what is possible. How many time have you done that in your life? Then suddenly what seemed so scary and awful, actually has such a great potential and everything changes right before your eyes! 

Had I not caught myself and how I was potentially scared to try something new and ruining it for myself, I may not have actually had the amazing time I did. It worked out to be so much fun and probably one of the better vacations I have had.

Do you ever look back and wonder what if I just did it where would I be now?
It's time to stop wondering and start doing 

Want to learn how to overcome your fears? I work with my clients 1:1 and also offer group coaching in my Empowered Living Program for Transformational Growth