What is your emotional default?

Emotional Default

A pessimist sees a difficulty in every opportunity. 
An opportunist sees opportunity in every difficulty. 
- Winton Churchill

Which is the default emotion that you choose? 

It is important to have self-awareness. Sometimes, when we are not aware we get stuck in routines because it is just comfortable. It is familiar, and although change is desired and want better for yourself your mind is set on auto-negative.

When you are on auto-negative, everything feels impossible. It can make the smallest problem feel unbearable.  Your mind runs on auto replay.. all the things you have to do, what could go wrong, and of course the fear of doing something new or different. 

Automatic negative thoughts keep you in a holding pattern where you internally desire more but hold yourself back because it feels like it could never happen to you. That only "those" people can succeed which makes it feel like new possibilities are just not for you. 

Why can’t I get a break?
My life really sucks.
This will never work.
Who am I kidding anyway

Do you believe that life is happening to you or for you?

Are you ready to shift into what is possible?

Practice looking at opportunities, even in your darkest moments and watch the world open up around you. 

The easiest way is to start with questions, get really curious about what is really possible. Allow your mind to expand and see what is possible. When you look for the opportunities, you can see beyond the problem shifting your mind into being solution focused on being problem oriented.

Ask better questions, get better answers
-Terry J Fadem

Let me know your thoughts and how I can support you on your journey. 
