What does passion feel like?

what does passion feel like

It’s allusive. It’s alluring. It's invigorating. It's timeless. 

You may chase it for years, decades -- your whole life, even. And yet, when you find it, you know it.

It’s simple and clear and fulfilling.

You begin to realize that what you initially thought pushed you off course, was actually preparing you for this very moment. 

You can see the future more clearly as well as the options available.

You feel aligned within, you are not seeking validation but doing it to fulfill your own destiny.

Have you been searching for this moment?

Are you at a cross roads in your life, and ready to explore more? Do you want to wake up feeling excited and ready for your next adventure?

All of this is possible! It does not need to be only for others,

You are not secluded from this amazing feeling.

I want this for you and I would be honored to share the journey, just message me to get started: amanda@emowerlifecoach.com