Look forward with Hope, not Backwards with Regret

Each and every one of us has a past
Some, more challenging than others

It's up to you to determine how you will utilize the life lessons to move forward and strengthen your knowledge.

If you're living in the past feeling regret, there is nothing you can change about what has already happened.

Take that energy and move it towards the future

Ask Yourself...
What is possible from here?
How have I grown?
How has this shaped need to be the person I am today?

Focus on what is possible not what you cannot change.

As you learn to control your thoughts and where your mind leads you, you will be able to become more solution focus rather than problem oriented. 

As your mind opens up, so does life and what it has to offer for you, 

Amanda - Your Courage Catalyst

PS- Need support, Try a 90 Minute Intensive Journey Session and walk away with a brand new perspective and tools to achieve your goals.