Face Your Fears

Have you ever been stuck in fear and unable to move forward? 

In a notebook or journal, write down a list of fears you have. 
Perhaps it’s public speaking, asking someone on a date, taking that exotic trip abroad or asking your boss for a raise.

Write them down. 
As you write down your fears, notice how you feel. If you are feeling anxiety, good. Now you know what to work on. 
Take each one, one step at a time. 
Imagine yourself as accomplishing your goal. 
Live it in your heart.
Feel it in your heart. 
Look for how you would be impacted by following through. 
Now, break it into small steps to get yourself comfortable.
Know that with each step you are closer to the end destination.

Be sure the steps are also written down and cross them off when you are done.

Both these actions teach the subconscious it is safe when you step out of your comfort zone. 
The more afraid you feel about something, the greater benefit you’ll reap by doing it.

Send me a message if you would like to work on this together or schedule a complimentary session. 
Amanda Scocozzo
Your Courage Catalyst & Transformational Coach