When one door closes, another door opens

When one door closes

Consider a moment in your life when a negative event led to positive consequences that you were not expecting. 

We have all experienced this at one time or another in our lives. We have our mind set on a certain outcome, but life sends us a curveball, and we go on a tailwind spin downward lost in the agony and pain of what was.

We reflect.
We analyze.
We grieve.

What we are missing is right there in front of us.
The opportunity.

Slow down, and look at what has presented itself. What is showing up for you?

Take some quiet time, and yes by no means am I saying you cannot grieve the loss of what was, but simply to be open to what is possible.

There is a magical balance between being stuck in the loss of the opportunity and dreaming about how it never happened.

This magical balance is where you will grow.
Know that this is often when we find out what we really need versus what we really want.

My infamous 3 steps I am always referring back to.

What did you discover while reflecting? 
Can you see the lesson?

Now, let the opportunity show up. When we move confidently towards our dreams, we can live the life we've always wanted.

Need some support here? Message me at amanda@empowerlifecoach.com 

Empowerment Coach | Happiness Mentor | Business Strategist | Courage Catalyst