When is the Last Time You Felt Truly Seen and Heard?

Have you ever had the opportunity to feel truly seen and heard by someone else?

Imagine being heard with a deep level of compassion and acceptance.

Imagine being heard, with no agenda or prejudgment.

Imagine being heard and accepted for who you are, seeing you as whole. 
Imagine the feeling of connection that is possible.

Imagine the feeling of safety and relief to know you can talk freely.

Imagine a place, that comes along so far and few in between, where your deepest layers are peeled away and you are seen as the shining beautiful star that you are.

Do you allow this person within you to connect?

Do you give yourself permission to feel this deep Joy within your life?

I was inspired to share this post by a client I spoke to today. 
During our call, she shared with me that it was the first time she felt that she had truly been seen in all of her life.

No one, not even her deepest and closest friends or family shared with her the beauty of what she offers to the world. 
Today was the first day she was truly seen, and it brought her to tears. 
It is powerful.
It is healing.
It is transformative.

As an intuitive and transformational coach, I wish this for all of you. Just once I want you to experience being seen for the beauty of Who You Are.

If you would like to learn more, just send me a note:Amanda@empowerlifecoach.com