There is always room for a retake, will you make yours today?

Have you ever been told you cannot do something?
How did it make you feel?

Not good enough..
Not smart enough ..
Not worthy enough…  

You are your dreams and noone else can take that away.
The lack of belief someone has shown in your or the unkind words they shared is a reflection of them - not you.

There is always room for a retake, will you make yours today?
We can make the conscious decision if we slow down and listen, to not accept that as “truth”

When I say question EVERYTHING ..  I mean EVERYTHING!
Why you ask?

 If you are genuinely curious about something and your brain is focusing on GENUINE curiosity (keyword genuine) it takes your mind out of self -doubt.

The key to this is in your questions.
By asking better questions, you get better answers!

What would that look like?

Picture this:
You are getting ready to do your first public speaking, palms sweaty - nervous, so much that you want to jump on the nearest bus to anywhere, as long as you are not there.

Your mind is telling you:
You can’t do this
You are not ready for this
You are not good enough, there are other people who can do it better
And the list goes on.

When you feel that sensation of self doubt creep its way in, take a moment and reflect. Ask yourself: 
What would it look like being on stage as a successful speaker?
How would it look after the event, when people want to speak to you aside and learn more?
And so forth..

This takes your focus away from the negative place you were going into and begins the process of what is truly possible.

Yes, this takes practice- but doesn’t everything?

If you knew you could retrain how you view things and quiet self doubt - do you believe it is worth it?