Life is a Choice

Life is a choice.

Sure, things happen. 
We have all had our share of ups and downs.
It's important to be aware of the impact of our emotions.

If you begin to look at life around you, that things are happening for you and not to you it can open a world of possibilities.

Take a situation, any situation... and explore it with curiosity.
What is the lesson?
What can you take away?
How can you grow?

When we stop growing, we die inside. 
Life is always a lesson, but your mind needs to be open to receive it.

Think about a time when everything was going wrong.
What did you say to yourself?
How did these circumstances affect the relationships around you?

Don't get me wrong, I am not saying that you need to be a ball of sunshine every moment. 
What I am saying is to keep it in perspective.

It's very easy to let things get the best of us. 
Step away, take a moment and look for the lesson.

Watch your world change.

XO- Amanda