It is not all your fault

It is your fault

Do you find yourself apologizing for things that are not in your control?

Are you taking the blame  for things and internalizing what you could have done to prevent someone from acting in the way that they did?

First, we need to recognize that we have no control over another person's actions or emotions.

Then, we need to accept what they have done, and allow them to process and acknowledge their mistakes.

For example, let's say your partner lies to you about where they went after work, but you say to yourself it must be my fault and I need to learn to be more understanding. You may even find yourself apologizing. The bottom line is your partner lied about where they were, and they were not honest with you.

This was their poor judgment.
This was their choice to lie.
It was not your fault.

By keeping the responsibility on your shoulders for the actions of another person and blaming yourself, this will cause undue stress and anxiety.