How to Let Go of the Past and Find Your Inner Hero

Do you find it hard to let go? You are not alone. 

We hold onto the memories of the past because of the emotion it is associated with. In addition, we are more likely to retain and hold onto something negative particularly if we do not have a positive balance around us. 

According to studies under Positive Psychology, did you know it takes 11 positive emotions to replace one negative emotion. Negative emotions hold much more power and space, which is why it can be very challenging to let go.

Another part that plays a significant part is our subconscious mind wants to create a safe environment. It holds onto these memories because it has a goal of protecting you, and deeply values certainty. By being certain that holding onto the pain you felt at one point, it will keep you safe from avoiding any further trouble in the future. 

I am sure by now you are wondering how to let go when it feels like the odds are against you. 

There is great power in letting your subconscious mind know that you are safe by taking small risks which trains the mind to know that the unknown and new things are ok. The mind looks for facts and proof that it will be ok to do something, this is where fear and blocks come in. 

In order to do this start by looking for the lesson and gift you gained by the paid that you endured. I know sometimes, especially when the wound is fresh it is hard to see how that is even possible. I assure you, through not only my own personal work but the work I share with my clients as a Transformational Coach that it can be done. It is important that you make peace with this and you can start by finding your hero story. 

Your hero story is the greatest version of you that walked through the struggles and came through on the other side. We all have our own version of the hero within us. I want to challenge you today, to celebrate your inner hero. 

If I can support you and you are curious about working together 1:1, please do not hesitate to reach out.

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