Face Your Fears

Sure, some fears are healthy. Fears such as not walking into oncoming traffic, keep you safe.

There are many fears though that prevent you from fully living and following your dreams.

Fears such as flying, heights, public speaking, driving and so forth are less rational but can be overcome.

There are two approaches to overcoming fear.

1. Take small steps to build your confidence and let your subconscious know that you are safe. Each time you take one more step on the confidence ladder, your subconscious will trust the process and allow you to go one step further

2. Go all in. Do something outrageous that you never thought you could do. Watch your confidence skyrocket!

For example, one of the most empowering things that I've ever done is walk on fire. I was scared out of my mind but the second I cross the coals, I felt Unstoppable. There was nothing I couldn't do. 

Either way, whether you choose number one or number two, both will reach you to the same destination. 
Make your choice today

Ready to overcome your fears? Check out the Empowered Living Program today!