4 Ways to Know if You Are Experiencing a Lack of Self Love

When you are experiencing a lack of self love, you feel down on yourself possibly even doubting your every move.

Some ways that you can recognize that an increased implementation of self-love is needed is to look for the following.

1. Do you speak unkindly to yourself or doubt yourself? If you are often experiencing a negative conversation internally with yourself and saying things that you may not even say to your worst enemy, practice leading with love. Treat yourself as kind as you would your best friend.
2. Do you put too much emphasis on what others think about you and hold back parts of yourself? It is important to reflect on this and make not of areas that you are holding back so you can feel free.
3. Are you unfairly judging others? Often when we judge others harshly, we need to look inward and ask ourselves why it is triggering us. Is there a past heartache or problem that we need to work through?
4. Do you worry what will happen if you speak openly about what comes from your heart? It can be difficult to be vulnerable and open, but it does not make you weak, it is actually quite the opposite - it makes you strong! 


Take some time and really reflect on this.  
Does any particular statement (or all) stand out to you? 

If so, it sounds like you are ready to implement some new tools to experience a deeper love and inner connection. You can start by asking yourself the following: 
Then ask yourself how it is impacting your life. 
Then ask yourself, how you can implement the necessary changes. 

Then if you still feel like you need some help, let’s talk! Send me a message and we can find the program that works best for you.

You can also check out my Empowered Living Program starting in May- This is also a great gift for someone who is truly experiencing a difficult time in their life. 